Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Party 2009

The Halloween party 2009 ended up being a really good time! The weather cooperated somewhat in that it didn't rain on us, but it sure was cold! We had a bonfire to help keep people warm outside, but we kept having to rotate because your butt would get cold after a while! LOL There were some really good costumes this year. We awarded small prizes and ribbons to Scariest, Funniest, Sexiest and Best Over-all costumes. I want to thank those who helped contribute to the party- Charmin for the pot of chili (which was delicious), Kelly for the cole-slaw (went great with the BBQ), Robby for the apple pie liquor (Yum!) and Teresa for all of the ice (kept the beer really cold-most important!LOL).

A good time was had by all! Holly made a birthday cake for Charmin and Natalie and it was so good with cream cheese icing Mmmm! I cooked up about 40 metts and brats on the grill and got eaten up. There weren't as many people at this year's party, only about half as many, but it seemed better in a lot of ways. We didn't post flyers at all the bars this year and plus the temperature was much colder than last year. We are debating whether to move the party to the VFW next year and get a DJ or band to play. Its just too cold outside and there is plenty of room in the VFW bar for 100+ people with close to party parking. Tell us what you think about this idea. Thanks to everyone who came out, hope y'all had a good time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a cool party! It reminds me of the 2 that we had. You came to the one at our house in Georgetown. Remember? It was crazy fun! Now we do the kid thing, which I love very much. I do sometimes miss the gang. Slugette