Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2009 VFW Anniversary Dance

The 2009 VFW Anniversary dance was a good time. There was lots of food, including ham, roast beef all the fixin's and a big cake for dessert. There were some individuals, very deserving of the awards in which they received...member of the year- good job Josh (picture above) (and thanks for the help in raising money for the Ride For Bridgette)! Non member of the year- Jimmy H has been very instrumental in helping with every event, he darn near lives there! LOL...George, the commander, was inducted into the VFW 9630 Hall of Fame...

The band played classic rock all night and the beer flowed from the spouts. The little boy, Randy, in the video was boogie'in all night. He was awarded the most patriotic person and was the youngest of all the award winners! haha! The night after, Sunday Nov.15, was the VFW annual chili cook-off. John, owner of Ethel's Tavern, won first place out of ten pots of chili. The Bengals won against Pittsburgh which topped off the entire weekend- not to mention UC. Looks like football fever is back in Cincinnati and it feels good! Thanks, until next time, happy Thanksgiving and God bless...

Thursday, December 31st, New Years Eve party/dance at the VFW if anyone is interested. $5 admission, bring your own booze or buy from the bar...

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