Monday, June 29, 2009

Rabbit Hash Run...

Hanging with friends on a ride to Rabbit Hash Kentucky. It was great to get back on the bike and put some miles on it. Along the way we stopped at a couple of watering holes- Kline's on 915- a nice little bbq grill overlooking the Licking River and -Peecox 2- a hard rockin biker bar which was completely dead until we arrived. Rabbit Hash hasn't changed much since I had been there last and for that matter, it probably hasn't changed much in the past 40 years. Except that the mayor is now a goat instead of a dog. I shook hands (paws) with the last mayor of Rabbit Hash, which was a little black dog. The mayor wasn't out when we were there. The town's people told us the mayor (a goat) only comes out in ideal weather and Saturday was too hot and humid. We had a frosty beverage with metts, brats and cheesburgers off the grill at the Rabbit Hash General Store. On our way home we stopped at -Mugbees- for some appetizers and a break from the heat before the long highway ride home. In the end we all got a little sun burn but had a good time.
As for Bullet, he's getting bigger! That dog has gained ten pounds a month for the past two months, hope that slows down or he'll out-weigh me by next summer! He's seven months old, mama's little baby and Guy's best friend. The puppy years will be over soon enough...

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