Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Buffet 2008

Buffett 2008 Riverbend! We didn't go to the show, but I've been to over a dozen already so I knew exactly what I was missin'. Holly n I took the bike down for the tailgate party, Brett had his RV as he has for years past. We grilled, had a few drinks and chilled out listening to Buffett songs til dusk. It was a good time. I wanna see the Kid when he comes to town! Anyway, we've been working on the house, just got the first coat on the front,still need to do a second, we ran outta paint so Holly got creative with the side of the house. Our one year anniversary was this week, I got her some dog tags, she got me the American Flag and pole in the bottom picture! OK, til next time.....

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